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Hello everyone! What a month it was… Anyway, the v1.0.0 is here! I still can’t believe it, but here we are.
In this update, I added a little bit more scenes to existing bosses, some content to Messages (they are not so useless now), and improved the Watch Porn and Social Media sections in the Laptop. Basically, this is what I wanted v1.0.0 to look like. This game still needs the 4th boss and more events, scenes.
But to be honest, I have to ask the fans for their opinion about further development. When I started making MC, I made two rules for myself: to keep it relatively simple and to ask the fans what they want to see in this game. That’s what I’m going to do next – take a survey from some people.
If you would like to participate in this survey, feel free to DM me on Discord. My name is milkynail.
UPD v1.0.0
– Added the ability to send and receive images in Messages.
– When you get a new boss (including the very first boss, Mike), he will now write to you in Messages. This always happens when Evelyn enters the Living Room.
– By the way, the chat with a certain boss is only available after he has sent you a message. Just a small detail.
– Added one last message from the first boss, Mike. On the evening of the day when the player changes him to Richie, Mike will text you to tell you that you did not act nicely. And you will have the opportunity to give him some valuable advice.
– I’ve included a final message from Richie. It contains 4 pictures~ I really hope that the size of them is comfortable.
– The Watch Porn section in the Laptop now has 9 gifs, three for each of the available levels. They get more and more perverted as the main character gets more and more corrupted, and there are “thoughts” of the main character for each gif. These gifs weigh a lot, unfortunately I was not able to compress them all to a comfortable size.
– Now, while Loitering with Mike (lvl1 boss), there’s a 15% base change to encounter a new scene. Hypnotized by a porn video on a cell phone, Evelyn starts to masturbate. And Mike catches her. You need 25 points of Corruption to make things even more interesting and see 3 new gifs~
– Added a tiny NSFW event with a gif to Loitering with Richie (lvl2 boss). Tiny but cute.
– Added 10 random pictures to Social Media (in Laptop). Beautiful or ‘cringe’, they reflect the internet and let players feel this section better now.
– Fixed an embarrassing bug that caused messages to not display at all.
Thanks again for your patience! Don’t forget to text me if you have anything to say about Morning Coffee, and see you later!