Month: April 2021

Young Maria v10.3.0! Sibling part update

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I’ll change my name to MilkyNail soon. Just a reminder

Hi there! This is another update from my team. It contains a great improvement: you have two more options when choosing siblings now. You can start without any siblings or with both brother and sister.

UPD 10.3.0! (by Middlewared, Rachael, Plaze)

– Now you can have:
1. No siblings at all
2. Only brother
3. Only sister
4. Both brother and sister
– Minor changes and fixes

Let’s say thanks to our team:3 See you soon!


Homelands v0.0.0a! +Mobile mode +Custom keys

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So, guys and girls, I will be short. This update brings many cool features, and I hope you’ll like them:3 Sadly, artists don’t work as fast as I do. If you want to help me – mention me on my Discord server (


– Added mobile mode
– Added music and sounds
– Added Options with the ability to set custom keys for movement and volume control
– Added Disclaimer and Authors screens
– Fixed a lot of bugs
– Added 6 background layers (just concept ones for now)
– Added some features for the game engine

Sorry for such a short post. I will give you more information when Homelands look a bit better. For now, let’s concentrate on work! :3


Young Maria v10.2.0! New scenes + media

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I’ll change my name to MilkyNail soon. Just a reminder

Hello! As I promised, here’s the new version of YM. And as I said, it was almost totally made by Middlewared, Rachael, and Plaze. They did a great job. Middlewared found some decent gifs for this update because you asked them for more media.

UPD 10.2.0! (by Middlewared, Rachael, Plaze)
– Added a new start perk – Sissy brother mode. It can be enabled only in the character creation menu and can’t be disabled in the game
– Added a related section in the Help menu
– Added a training scene with a sister to activate an erotic scene, corruption is more than 40, and a relationship with a sister is more than 40
– Added a scene with a sister on the sofa (sofa). For activation, you need a corruption of a sister more than 30 and a relationship with a sister less than 20
– Added a scene to spend the night with my sister. To activate the erotic scene, you need a relationship with a sister more than 30 and corruption of the main character more than 40, but other options are also spelled out
– Problem Solver: Everyday check was improved greatly. Now, if the value of the setting doesn’t equal to ‘true’ of ‘false’ it takes the last valid value. Quite simple, but it took ages for me to build it

I hope you’ll like this update! Let’s say thanks to our team:3 See you next weekend!


Homelands v0.0.0! + Two important announcements!!

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Hello, everyone! Yes, this whole week, I was working on my new project. First of all, let me tell you that:

Young Maria is still being worked on!

Middlewared, Rachael, and Plaze – all of them are working on YM right now. The next update will be published very soon, no need to panic.

The second announcement: I’m a bit tired of working on such easy things as text games. My new project is a platformer, by the way. But my desire for a challenge is not the only reason.

– YM is my first game, and it has a lot of base issues. I’m wiser now and have at least some experience;
– Text games are cool, but I want to work on something more “colorful”;
– I’ve worked on Young Maria for two years, and I want to change something already;
– And, finally, the real reason. I have a burning desire to make a beautiful, good 18+ platformer. Not so many developers can make such game, and I’m willing to try.

I worked really hard this week. From morning till night, every day. Tested dozens of artists, spent a lot of money. I know that the first performance is very important, and I did my best. This version is way far even from alpha. I just wanted to show you what I’m working on and receive some feedback.

I know you like Young Maria, and I promise it will be in good hands when giving my attention to this new game. And I hope you – my fans – will accept this change of wind and support me with your kind words ?