Month: June 2021

Homelands: More information about how it’s going

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Hi, everyone! I can’t believe it’s been three weeks since the previous post… Unfortunately, I still have nothing interesting to tell you except that: I finally found the programmer and argued with two team members.

I don’t know why it’s not working. I feel a bit depressed about how bad I’m doing my work as a ‘project manager.’ Today I literally sent to hell an animator with a game designer. So many people, so few results. I still have to learn a lot.

Well, you are not here to read my complaints. I sent about 4 ads and talked to 10+ people who wanted to be a programmer. Long story short, he asked for a huge pile of money, but.. It’s the best option right now. I also need a new animator now. 

At least two good news: my exams are almost over, and the design document is already 4/5 finished. Now we can work with it. 

I’m doing my best here, so thank you for your patience<3

Young Maria v11.1.0! Webcam show~

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Hello, everybody! This update is a bit too small. Sorry for this. I’m still passing my exams and have a really small amount of spare time… Anyway, Middlewared added an amazing feature you’ll love!

The Main Pics Folder was updated (v11.0.0)! If you use the Offline version, please download it.

Meet a new team member – Daniel! He will create music for YM! He’s a beginner, but I like these few songs he sent me. He is trying to deal with exams, too, so give him some time:)

I’m still repairing my site from the incident I told you about earlier. So please don’t hesitate to tell me if something isn’t working.

UPD 11.1.0
– Fixed Night club’s open hours. Yes, one more time…
– Increased chance of mother comforting you after a bad day at school (from 5% to 50%)
– Added a new (really impressive) feature by Middlewared – the ability to give a webcam show. Buy a Laptop with a Webcam to get access to this feature. It’s still in process, so some parts are not finished yet

See you soon, boys and girls! I hope you are spending this summer better than I do

Young Maria v11.0.0! New haircuts, old saves bug fixing!

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Hello, everybody! I’m deadly tired, so please let me be short.

The Main Pics Folder was updated (v11.0.0)! If you use the Offline version, please download it.

My site ( crashed after I tried to update WordPress. Somehow a few databases were damaged. Give me a sign if you noticed some errors (…you didn’t see earlier).

Also, I’m sorry to say this, but I removed Sad+Lonely from the team. We had some conflicts, plus he almost didn’t work on YM at all.

UPD 11.0.0
– Fixed bugs with old saves! Now old saves should work with new versions
– Fixed minor bugs
– Minor improvements
– Now lunch break in school only between 12:00-13:00
– Now lunch gives you energy
– Fixed a bug with the dress (nude)
– Changed brother schedule
– Now, when you’re wandering around brother’s room, you can find porn mags and a fleshlight
– Now you can join brother and his friend on Sundays (simple scene)
– Now you can watch brother playing PC (simple scene)
– Now you can watch Netflix with your brother. Build a relationship with him (put the head on his shoulder), and you will progress to the sex scenes (now only one)
– Changed a scene with Jack (first meeting and when encounter him on the street) – to get a sex scene, you need to have more than 25 corruption points – by Rachael
– If your corruption more than 20, you can sit on Dad’s lap while he’s watching TV. To get the lewd scene, you need to have at least 40 relationship points with dad, and to get a sex scene to wear a mini-skirt, with/without panties, the scene will slightly differ. – by Plaze
– Books that increase your corruption was removed. Go to the classes to get lewder quickly
– Fixed the open hours for the Night club
– Added some new haircuts. Same 3 colors and 4 types of length. But now I started to use a new modification: style. All you had before was Straight style, and I added Pigtails and Fancy. Fancy is a special style, try every length (it can give you even curly hair)!
– Added the system for NSFW actions in the Night club. Without NSFW actions themselves yet..
– Fixed the error with always clean sister’s room

Okay, see you next weekend! Love you!

Homelands: Shortly about the game + some info about what’s going on

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Hello there! Today I want to give you heads up and show a small “document” describing Homelands very, very shortly. We write a full game design document now, by the way. No, you can’t see it now.

Game designer: I hired a game designer. Why I did this? Because they are vital to a whole project! Why didn’t I do this earlier? Because I… learn slowly. He created the design document, and we started to work together on it: me, him, and the narrator. I feel much better now because he knows what he does. 

Narrator: is working on the game design document. He made the short description of this project you’ll see below.

Programmer: I’m trying to talk to one right now, but he is busy. Anyway, we need to wait at least a week before the design document will be somewhat ready. We will return to programmers later.

Animators: One is working, and another one is studying. Exams time! Anyway, she said she would help us in breaks. 

Now, let’s talk about one meeting that took place a few days ago. One animator offered me to change the way of making animations. From solid pictures to “Spine system.” When you use the spine system, every moving part is programming separately. It is way cheaper, faster, and looks better. He offered this a long time ago, but I rejected this suggestion because (I learn slowly) I thought animations would look ugly. I agreed this time. 

But, the spine system won’t work with pixel objects, so we have to make the main character and enemies “normal,” not in a pixel-art style. This means that the world should be “normal,” too. All pictures will be just useless. That’s a pity. 


Setting: Classic medieval fantasy.

The game features 3.5 factions:
Sentient Furries – The player’s race is an anthropomorphic animal with a touch of magic.
Wild Furries – Neutral race, represents anthropomorphic animals without admixture of magic. They live deep in the forest. Closer to animals than to humans.
People – They are the main antagonist in the game. They hunt furries. They are also a technologically advanced and numerous race.
Half-breeds – Accidentally surviving hybrids are unique and very few in number. Guides, quest givers.

Settlement of Sentient Furries – It is a vast meadow, with large free spaces, vegetable gardens, arable land, in the center of which is the Mother tree, around which, in turn, a fortress is built.
Wild Furry Settlement – A rock with a cave in front of the entrance to which there is undergrowth. Savage huts are located more often to the rock.
Forest – Ordinary mixed forest. It is the main location for missions. This is where the fights take place.
Military garrisons of people – Tent camps on huge fields. (Boss fights, important quests)

Mechanic’s narrative rationale:
Moving between locations is carried out through teleportation between the mother tree and its secondary roots in different forest parts.
The mother tree exudes life sap (mana), with which Sentient Furries can conjure, which is the reason for their intelligence. Mana is restored by drinking from a flask. Each sorcery requires a certain amount of charges. The volume of the flask progresses through the improvement provided by the rescued NPC.
The tree also gives rise to fruits that are first aid kits.

The player’s goal is to attempt to fight off the captured Wild Furries on the way to the human city.


I’m pretty sure that everything will be changed, but for now, that’s the basics.
Okay, people, I’ll see you later! Tell me: do you like the game idea or not, and why:3 Be safe!

Young Maria v10.7.0! Some new scenes and an empty nightclub ~

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Hi, people! I’m sorry for such big delays between updates. I feel exhausted the last few weeks (maybe months) and can’t work as much as I used to. Sweet times, I miss them. Plus exams, plus the new project – Homelands. You know that I care about fans, so please forgive my temporary weakness.

This update is bigger than it looks. New scenes are cool and have new gifs/pics. Moreover, I found some broken links and fixed them. Not in the Gym, tho. A couple of guys showed me the broken pics, but everything works perfectly for me. Mistery.

UPD 10.7.0
– Added some locations in Nora’s house
– Now your partner at janitor’s closet can be a girl – by Rachael
– Now you can sleep and watch Netflix with Nora – by Emma
– Added Full Moon – energy drink to Night club bar and Beach bar. $10 for 25 points of Energy
– Now consuming drinks there will take some time (5 minutes)
– Added ability to dance in the Night club. Also, it has a bar now. For the very first time, you’ll get a special drink. No scenes there, yet
– Fixed some pics here and there

See you soon, boys and girls! In a week, I hope. Fingers crossed for me and the team! (God bless them)