Month: August 2021

Homelands: Making the first location design~

Project Patreon

Hi there! These two weeks I spent preparing for my University. Tomorrow is a tough day, but I think I’m ready for it:3

I’m talking with the second programmer and .. maybe he’ll be useful to us in a month or so. He’s an eager man, and that’s my weakness:) The first one (who’s doing the main job now) already finished the auto-generating level design. In a week (or earlier – now I must include studying in my schedule, you know. This makes things complicated), I’ll give him another task. Maybe it’ll be writing AI for enemies.

Remember the girl who was working on the characters’ design? I like her style so much that I asked her to draw a concept of a few locations. Now I have two pics from her, but they still need to be finished (for now, these pics show the main design of the game, and I want her to expand these pics and turn them into detailed locations design). Tomorrow I’ll text a boy who was working on tiles. He finished the task a day ago. And maybe he’ll start to work on the very first location! 

Okay, I don’t want to list everything. It will expand this post greatly:) Just the main things will be enough, I guess. I wish good luck to all students and their parents! Thanks for giving me support in such trying times<3

Young Maria v11.6.0! Fixing, fixing, fixing…

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Hellop, everyone! These weeks I spent on bug-fixing mostly. Worked on Problem Solver, tried to fix School and pregnancy errors. I can’t say they are gone, but I tried my best. And I know how everything works now!

Also, I was fixing my site. It’s not that old but already needs a lot of attention and manual control. A few plugins were removed, and some were updated. It seems there are no conflicts now, but I’m not so sure.

UPD 11.6.0
– School WCs no longer teleport you to the Night Club (I wish we had such bugs in real life)
– Now you can make abort in Family Bitch mode. It will cost the same $700
– Changed the pregnancy chance checking system. This will allow to increase/decrease the chance easier in the future (I have one idea..)
– I removed one anti-grind system implemented by someone without my knowledge
– Fixed the error that caused that pop-up window in the “Mother after dad’s laps” scene
– Made a few cosmetic changes
– Fixed an error with infinitely masturbating brother
– Added a small secret you need to find (it’s not that hard and pretty useless)
– Hid some code players don’t need to see (my bad)
– Removed a few webcam options from the list of what you can do on cam
– Now training will take only 30 points of Energy, and showering at the gym doesn’t require shampoo. I also started to work on an NSFW scene there, but it’s not finished yet
– Added another 6 gifs to webcam actions

Okay, that’s it. I hope you are ready for autumn:3 Remember that the air is getting colder. Don’t get sick!

Homelands: First concepts and characters design

Project Patreon

Hello, people! These two weeks were eventful, so I’ll state just a few of them.

I found many concept artists (not the perfect ones, sadly), and they are drawing the base concepts of every location in the game now. Also, I’m trying to find a good style for this project. You know, color, how many pixels there will be… I found a brilliant girl who can create good-looking character designs, so she’s working on the main character, all furry kinds, and human designs. I wait for her to finish at least something so another boy can create characters in pixel style. Talking about this boy, tomorrow I’ll ask him to start working on tiles. I like how he draws grass:)

The second part of the project is the programmer. Nothing interesting here – we lost contact for a week, plus he was finishing another project… He’s still working on the automation generation of fighting locations level design. Today we discussed the changing of the main character’s height and decided to make it a bit higher.

Talking about other events, my project manager had to leave, but we are still talking and sharing ideas like friends^^ And I expanded the design document a bit. Now it has 20 pages! I know it’s still a small document, but people say that it has everything they need.

Okay, see you in two weeks, boys and girls! Love you all!

Young Maria v11.5.0! First soundtrack!!

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Hi, everybody! Sorry for no sign for a long time. I had some problems, but I hope they are in the past now:) In this update, you’ll hear the very first soundtrack created for this game. It was made by Anfim and is 13 minutes long! I hope you like ambient.

I also spent … a week?.. trying to create a damned volume changer, and I succeeded! Go check it out in the new menu item – Music. I think I’ll add some design to that passage later.

I tried to do some fixes in this update. I failed in some cases, just wasting more precious time, but I still fixed some small bugs to give you at least something. For now, I’m hunting down the bug that causes that “Unknown class” error (in the school). Also, trying to find errors in the pregnancy system.

UPD 11.5.0
– A new menu item was added: Music! I spent GODDAMN DAYS, and you finally can change volume and soundtracks!
– Added the first soundtrack by Daniel (a.k.a. Anfim)! It won’t play from the beginning, so you need to start the song in the Music menu. It’s 13 minutes long, by the way:)
– Added a scene by Melonmallow. In Night Club, you will be able to “Look for troubles” if you are drunk (60 intoxication) and lewd (60 corruption) enough. Do this, and you’ll be rewarded with a quick outside fun;3
– Now you can wash your hands and legs in school WCs (both girls and boys)
– Some variables, layout errors, and typos were fixed
– Now, whenever you apply makeup and new lips color, you’ll be “notified” about the changes
– Now, no makeup still gives you +2 to attractiveness and any lipstick – +5
– Now you can see the link “Buy lewd stuff” (in the Laptop) if your corruption is higher than 40
– Tried to fix the broken pics of magazines in the brother’s room. Now there are 4 of them, and the phantom fifth one… is still broken, yep
– Added 7 new gifs for webcam actions

It’s not much, but I did my best, comrades! See you in two weeks!:3

Homelands: Last changes, what’s going on here~

Project Patreon

Hi, everybody! There weren’t many changes for these two weeks, to be honest. We (our project manager, me, and the programmer) are simply working together.

We changed a few concept artists, by the way. About.. 6 at least. One boy is trying his best to understand our wishes, and he even showed his drawing to us! But he never agreed on publishing this picture, so, you know.. Wait till he finishes it:) I really hope he’ll become a part of the team!

Also, the programmer finished working on the controls for both PC and mobile players. Now he’s working on the automatic fighting level generation. I guess it will take some decent time, but… I don’t really know. I never did this by myself.

I finally installed Unity! With some help, I managed to get access to the project! Now I’m trying to understand how everything works there without messing things up (I failed today). Here comes the most boring part – reading documentation. But, for the good of everyone, I’ll do it:3