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The game version remains the same

Hello, people! I finally returned to you after dealing with my exams. Free and happy, I started to work on the next update. But Plaze texted me a few days ago, revealing my little dark secret. And I can’t hide from it anymore. Young Maria is … not a good game. It can be much, much better. After two or three years, it became pretty obvious to everyone – YM needs a good rebuild session. So, why I mentioned some dark secret of mine? The thing is, I knew it a long time ago, but I was afraid of the amount of work. YM is a huge and poor-built game. But I can’t hide from this task anymore! It needs to be done.

Before we dive into big plans, let me introduce a new writer – Ali! He wrote a new scene for the school playground, and I want to show it to you. Here’s the “raw” version – click. 2.400 words – this scene is huge! Enjoy~

Well, let’s get back to our ambitious goal. I created a document to keep tracking of my thoughts – click. Here’s just a rough sketch… plan of everything – I don’t want to waste precious time on describing details. But I need your help. Please tell me what you want to see in the game and – what is much more important – what do you want me to change or remove completely. You can always contact me via email ( or Discord (MilkyNail (MariaMod)#1179).

I ordered a few pictures and pieces of music two days ago. And I already get two songs and a sketch of the main poster. If everything goes according to the plan, it will take a couple of months to finish this project. Anyway, I’ll be collecting feedback from you for a few days, and then I begin to work.

I appreciate your support, and I hope you like this change. If you don’t – write to me and tell me why! Don’t forget to put lemon in your tea and see you in two weeks:3