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Download the latest version (v0.0.4a)
Hello, everyone! What can I say about these two last weeks of working with Unity? It was really hard. Maybe Unity is not the most dense game engine, but it still requires a lot of understanding. Do I know how to work in that engine now? Nope. But I believe that a couple more weeks of learning will help greatly.
Well, back to business. I’m happy to introduce Homelands v0.0.4a! The previous public release was.. two months ago? Damn. If v0.0.3 was “somewhat playable”, this version is “at least something playable”. Let’s look at the changes, shall we? (I want to wrap it in the old format that I have been using for these four years)
UPD v0.0.4a
- Fixed a bug that prevented choosing female character in the main menu.
- Fixed a music volume bug that prevented changing it from the options.
- Fixed a captives bug. Now there is 50% chance of capturing female or male snow leopard, not only female one.
- Fixed some ground points, hitbox colliders and everything. Now player doesn’t stick to vertical surfaces. (But, boy, there’s still plenty of work to do)
- Fixed some blurry pictures of trees and bushes. Yes, by redrawing and reanimating them. It has affected some pics from Hub and the fighting zone.
- Fixed a few minor details in sex animations. Yes, I know, they need to be fully reworked. Already in process.
- Fixed pause. Now all animations stop after the pause menu is active.
- Fixed super arrows and crossbow bolts spawn point.
- Added totally new main chars (both male and female). They are still kobolds, but they have much better resolution and their animations are a bit better now. Animator added pseudo 3D effect and creates two different sets of bones for each character this time. Oh, weapons and projectiles were reworked, too.
- Added a new set of clothes for female character. Use a table in Hub to change your appearance.
- Added a procedural fighting zone. Activate one of the portals in Hub to go there. It’s not totally procedural in the best way possible… But it changes chunks of the level every time. Just keep in mind that it’s not the final look of it. 🙂
- Added cosmetic sprites to the fighting zone. A set of rocks, plants, weed and roots will smooth sharp edges of the tiles.
- Added platforms and chains to the fighting zone. Now it is possible to climb up and down and use platforms (you know, press down and jump. Platforms).
- Added three new soundtracks. One for the fighting zone and two for the settlement.
- There also was added a piece of code to shuffle songs every time.
Glad to be able to show you at least somewhat working game! Still a lot of work to do, of course… So, what’s next? Fixing other characters, animations (sex animations, yes), improving fighting and procedural generation of the battle zone. See you in two weeks with another report! Be safe!