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Hello, everybody! This update is a bit too small. Sorry for this. I’m still passing my exams and have a really small amount of spare time… Anyway, Middlewared added an amazing feature you’ll love!
The Main Pics Folder was updated (v11.0.0)! If you use the Offline version, please download it.
Meet a new team member – Daniel! He will create music for YM! He’s a beginner, but I like these few songs he sent me. He is trying to deal with exams, too, so give him some time:)
I’m still repairing my site from the incident I told you about earlier. So please don’t hesitate to tell me if something isn’t working.
UPD 11.1.0
– Fixed Night club’s open hours. Yes, one more time…
– Increased chance of mother comforting you after a bad day at school (from 5% to 50%)
– Added a new (really impressive) feature by Middlewared – the ability to give a webcam show. Buy a Laptop with a Webcam to get access to this feature. It’s still in process, so some parts are not finished yet
See you soon, boys and girls! I hope you are spending this summer better than I do