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Hi, everyone! Today is an important day. You all know me mostly as HTML games creator. Mostly, because of YM. And today my second flagman project comes to live – S.L.A.T.! It’s a big step forward for me as a game developer. It’s already full of cool features and sweet potential.
All right, this update is containing the most basic things for future v1.0.0. Which will be published (I hope so) in one month. Don’t expect much yet, but feel free to explore and give me your suggestions about the game.
UPD v0.8.0
– Added “dreams”. Not lewd ones, just some text about lore? There is a yet-hidden Darkness progression every night. And every night you reach 1/10/20/30 Darkness for the first time, you get a new nightmare. With a new character, if you can call it a new character..
– Added a new hacking mini-game. You get a 3×3 table of buttons, and a hint, showing you the right row and column. Pretty simple.
– I also added a new lore event with Lola, the mechanic girl. She’ll approach you in the middle of the night the next day of meeting her, in order to teach you hacking. In the process you’ll hack your cell door, granting ability to walk outside at night. It’s totally useless for now, tho. For now.
– After a month, I finally executed my old dream – created a working animated cardiogram in your BIO (Biological Information Observer, the computer on your arm). It’s a cosmetic feature, but I’m proud of myself.
– Talking about BIO, there are three new cool-looking tables, showing your levels of hacking, milking and prostitution. There is no level progression yet, it’s for later.
– Finished the Dairy Farm! Now you can collect milk (if you have breasts of any size), semen, or vaginal lubrication (if you have vagina). There you’ll meet yet another simple minigame that will test your reaction! (Don’t worry, it’s really slow)
– Fixed the paper doll. It was splitting in two when player was changing the screen scale. (Yeah, old YM bug)
– Like I thought, prostitution tables were crashing on mobile screens. So I made a link there. Players can press it and switch between PC and mobile display.
After some ungodly long time, this version is out. … I guess I already said whatever I could, so.. Take care, and see you in two weeks, people!