SLAT v1.4.0! Finale. For now

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Hello everyone! Unfortunately, this will be the last update for this game. At least for the time being. After half a year of working on it, I got pretty tired of this project. It also did not get as much support as I had hoped for. So I decided to wrap it up with some new gifs and move on. Sorry if you were a fan.

My next game will be more like Young Maria. I worked on it quietly for 10 days, but let’s talk about it in the next post.

UPD v1.4.0
– Added visual flickering to the game. If the Darkness value is greater than 70, animated artifacts like broken pixels will appear in the background. They can be turned off in the settings.
– Fixed a small bug that prevented progress bars from displaying when they reached their lowest or highest limit.
– Replaced old prostitution gifs with new ones. Hope you will like them.
– Replaced old milking gifs with new ones. There are 3 different gifs for milking breasts, designed for sizes: 1-2, 3-4 and 5.


Sorry, delaying one more time

I hate to say this, but I need more time. Like I said, two weeks ago a member of my family got sick and I had to take care of them 24/7. Now it’s my turn to be sick… I’m doing my best to heal and work, but it’s pretty hard right now (kidding you not, I slept 2 hours tonight). Anyway, at least my artist is steadily working on some cool new gifs.

Sorry for the inconvenience and thanks for understanding. Shit happens…


SLAT v1.3.0! New milking levels

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Hello everyone! This time I focused on the milking minigame. It needed of a few upgrades, a couple of fixes and, well, it’s time to add at least some levels to this activity already! And I did everything I had planned, hooray. Also added an art to Clothing Store, yeah.

To be honest, I’m not so sure about what to do next. There’s too much to do… But there’s a catch everywhere I look. Well, I’ll figure something out.

UPD v1.3.0
– Milking can now be upgraded! Added two levels and scoring. It takes about 10 sessions to upgrade one level.
– On the second level, I added a “consolation prize” for hitting empty cells, which is half of what you get for hitting a yellow cell. Or a quarter of a green one.
– On the third milking level, a rare (25% chance) narrow purple stripe appears on green cells, giving a double bonus for hitting it.
– Made it possible to continue milking after receiving money.
– Added art (including animated, including the night version) to the Clothing Store.
– Increased the frequency of yellow cells appearing in milking to 60% (instead of 30%).
– Sliding arrows are a bit more accurate now.
– Fixed shifting of the entire screen that occurred during milking in the mobile version.
– Fixed an abuse where you could skip milking and still get money.

Thank you again for your support! I know you want to see more porn scenes, but I’d love to add a bit more Safe For Work content first. But.. Maybe I’ll add something 18+ soon anyway? I don’t really know.

See you in two weeks!


SLAT v1.2.1! Hotfix, yeah..

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I missed two critical things and… here we are. I tried to fix them as soon as possible. Sorry for that.

UPD v1.2.1

– Fixed a bug that broke Lola’s night visit.
– Now you can’t click the “Chill a bit” link during Lola’s night quest.
– Fixed a bug that broke the display of the new Hypno visor.

See you soon!

SLAT v1.2.0! Behold, true hypnosis!

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Hello everyone! I admit, I spent a lot of time on a single Hypno visor. In fact, all this time I was trying to squeeze the maximum speed and minimum lag out of the program, but… everything worked very poorly.

In the end, I realized that I had to rebuild the whole system from scratch and somehow differently. After long attempts by the artist to create several hypno-gifs, we chose the best one and worked with it. Overall, it turned out very tasty~ I wrote more details below in the changes.

UPD v1.2.0
– There is now a gif version of the Hugo fucking Olivia event (in Lola’s computer)!
– Changed the Hypno Visor in Lola’s Den! I admit I spent a lot of time fiddling with this (and only implemented a third of my plans), but I really like the result so far. I hope you will like it too! In short, there are now 4 hypnotizing gifs of different colors, on which different words flash relatively quickly. In the ‘Hypno settings’ you can choose the color of the gif and change the words. By the way, I managed to make this new Visor mobile friendly (it decreases in size by 60%). Try all the colors!
– Fixed a bug where there was no day progression on the night Lola comes.
– Fixed a bug in Brothel Wing where the ‘easy’ answer would not always show the line and answer result.
– Fixed a bug in Brothel Wing where you could bait a guest into buying something during an orgasm.
– And then I thought about it more and removed the ability to bait guests into buying snacks and drinks at all. This is a temporary measure. I have compensated for this in terms of profit by increasing the amount of tips received from attraction points. I think the food purchase system was overloading the process. Please let me know what you think of this change!
– I have removed the hidden daily Darkness increase (it added 2 to 5 points when changing days). First, it was a hidden implicit mechanic, which is bad. Second, it prevented players from maintaining a balance of adequate Darkness and avoiding a negative ending. Third, the increase was pretty aggressive. And even though I like the last point, I decided to remove it.

Of course I had other things in mind, but Hypno visor just absorbed me completely… Even though I didn’t show the full potential of the idea, I think it turned out interesting:)

See you in two weeks! I hope to bring some more serious changes next time.

SLAT v1.1.0! Is that Olivia?

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Hello everyone! This update adds three important things that I have been thinking about for a long time. First, the main End Game of max Darkness points. This event will (I hope) force players to maintain a balance between sex life and rest. Second, complex piercings. Don’t ask me why, I just wanted to add them for a long time. Third, an erotic scene between Hugo and Olivia! It didn’t turn out to be very interesting, but it added a touch of sadism to the game. Which I plan to develop further.

Of course, there is still a lot to do. But little by little we are making progress! Now let’s take a closer look at each change…

UPD v1.1.0
– Finally added the End Game. When the player reaches 100 points of Darkness, he gets a warning in a dream. If you fall asleep with 100 Darkness for the second time, it will simply ‘take’ the main character. Yes, he will not wake up, this is the end. Or you can use the autosave and try to change the course of the story. The game will also offer you to give all the money to “bribe death” and continue playing. If you choose this option, you will not be bothered by the End Game from max Darkness.
– Added art for the Brothel Wing location.
– Added nipple rings, a new type of piercing.
– Added three more new piercing slots: neck, stomach, and clitoris (vagina). These should work with old saves. Note that the clitoris slot is not available if you have a penis. In order to purchase and use clit piercings, you must first get rid of your penis in the Med Bay.
– These three new slots are for three new complex (!) piercings. They are more interesting and can be ‘changed’ in the wardrobe according to the player’s preference. This is a purely cosmetic detail, just like the rest of the clothing.
– In Lola’s hacked computer, in the tab ‘Work n stuff (E:)’ you can now find an active section ‘Cameras Hugos_Office.cam’. Once a day you can spy what Hugo is doing at night. Spoiler: he has an appointment with Olivia. Another spoiler: animation will be added later.
– Now there will be no version confusion after using save files. I actually implemented this change silently right after releasing v1.0.1.
– The Access card cabinet is now working again! If you are a SubscribeStar subscriber, you can log in and the game will automatically provide you with available bonuses in the cheat menu. Unfortunately, the Access card cabinet only works in the game hosted on my site (MilkyNail.site/slat.html). Sorry for the inconvenience, I’m still looking for a better solution.
– For some reason, half of all Medical Bay passages had “Brothel Wing” headers. Well, I changed them.

Well, I hope you enjoy the new update. Please let me know if keeping your Darkness low is too difficult. I suspect it will be. Anyway, see you in a couple of weeks!

SLAT v1.0.1! Minor hotfix

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Hello, everyone! I’m not feeling well this week, so this update is quite small. I managed to fix two tiny bugs and added a new art to the Dairy Farm. That’s pretty much it.

I know that there is a problem with moving progress from one version to another. I have absolutely no idea what’s causing it, but I’m experimenting to find a solution. Sorry for the inconvenience.

UPD v1.0.1
– Fixed the display of Formal Panties in the wardrobe. They can now be used after purchase.
– Leveling up while sleeping now works correctly. I must apologize for this bug, it was very stupid…
– Added animated art for the Dairy Farm.

See you in two weeks! Be safe!


SLAT v1.0.0! Finally

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Hello everyone! First of all, I’m sorry for delaying the update. I needed a week off and that cost me another week of work, yeah. Unexpected outcome. At least now we have something that looks like a real game now! Version 1.0.0 is out and I’m happy about that. Sure, it still looks like a demo. But I want to call it v1.0.0 anyway.

In this update I mainly worked on Lola’s Den and Clothing Store, a new location. The first one has some ero content, the second one has clothes you can spend your earned money on. I also wanted to add the end game event in this update, but… It will be added a little later.

UPD v1.0.0
– There is now a hypnotic visor in Lola’s Den. It increases the level of Corruption and Darkness.
– An art has been added to Lola’s Den. It is the only one for both day and night.
– There is now a paragraph in Lola’s Den that is displayed on your first visit.
– You can now “practice” hacking in Lola’s Den, increasing your hacking skill on special simplified 2×2 locks.
– An old couch has been added to Lola’s Den. You can doze on it, sleep fully, dream, and level up. Just like in your Bedroom.
– From 8 p.m. to 8 a.m. (when Lola is not in Lola’s Den) you can now hack Lola’s computer. This lock has a second level of difficulty.
– After hacking in, you can use Lola’s computer. After browsing through the files, you can find her erotic photos and a small text document.
– Added a new location – Clothing Store.
– Added 12 new clothes that you can buy.
– Created a new way of displaying clothes. It is a table with a picture of the clothes on the main character’s body, a name, a description of the item and a “Buy”/”Put on” button. It adapts normally to mobile screens.

Well, see you in about one week. With hotfixes or a regular update. Or both. Don’t forget to drink water!

SLAT v0.9.5! Halfway there!

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Hello everyone! I promised that v1.0.0 would be released on April 14th. Unfortunately, here we are, with v9.5.0. Long story short, I wanted to release the full game in four days, but… I got extremely tired. So I decided to slow things down. Sorry for the delay, but I really need to get some rest and then finish my ideas at a normal pace.

Like I said, I was aiming for v1.0.0 and stopped at the last 30%. Now let me tell you about the part where I stopped. In these two weeks I hope to finish a new location – Lola’s Den, that’s top priority. This will give you the ability to increase your hacking skill, a bit more porn content, and a place to increase Corruption along with Darkness. Second – Clothes shop and more clothes to buy. Players need a place to spend their money! Third thing is to create the End of the game. This will be the madness of a main character, Darkness will consume him. That’s the real purpose of this stat, yes. These three steps are a minimum. Now let’s talk about what is already in the game (maybe not yet reachable, but already created).

UPD v0.9.5
– For mobile users, images that did not fit within the screen borders will now be displayed normally. Also made the character images a little smaller.
– Clicking on any menu item (for example, Settings or Changelog) now hides the side menu for mobile users.
– Created the second level of hacking (unfortunately not yet available in game).
– Nightmares now show the current Darkness points.
– Added a chill zone in the Bedroom. There you can watch TV to reduce the level of Darkness and restore some Energy.
– There is now a level progression. The BIO shows the available levels and the current progress by experience. When you reach the desired threshold, a notification will appear in the left menu about the need to sleep. Yes, level progression takes place at night, immediately after nightmares (if any) (also not available for now).
– Added art to the Medical Bay. Day and night versions.
– Working on Lola’s Den. It is now available in the Hall after the first night quest with Lola. Aaand it’s completely empty for now.
– After a long and painful search, I finally discovered a bug that was constantly selecting the second cell when milking. And finally fixed this bug.
– For mobile players, the milking mini-game line is now the full width of the screen instead of 50%.
– Fixed ‘addclass’ bug in hacking passage. Also fixed ‘addclass’ errors that mobile users kept seeing.
– Found and fixed a problem due to which random images were not showing.

Thank you for your patience! See you in two weeks with well I do hope a working v1.0.0.

SLAT v0.9.0! Fixes, hotfixes

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Hi, everyone! Oh, boy, where do I start… First of all, thanks for your support. I released version 0.8.0 to “test the waters” and received two reactions: “this is promising” and “where’s content?” Both of them show interest and that’s just perfect!

Unfortunately, there were so many players that my server was crashed in just a few hours. I had to take measures and it took about four first days to fix everything. I also published two “hotfixes”. The first one was technical and grammatical, and the second one’s goal was to improve the display of the game for mobile players. Yes, my very first steps towards mobile users. I guess I should stop pretending I don’t notice them. I also ran into some problems while developing the second level of lock for hacking and my artist was sick for almost two weeks.

A lot of problems, but that’s nothing. The most important thing – I sense interest in players. And, not gonna lie, it keeps me running. Not much content for now, but in those weeks we dealt with nasty things that required attention. And then comes the content.

UPD v0.9.0
– To the list of phrases and questions that can be found in the process of prostitution I added: 3 simple phrases (now there are 4 of them), added one more line at the end of sex, one more in seduction for a new round, one new phrase for requests to buy snacks and drinks, also added one question each to the list of three qualities (rudeness, intelligence, elegance).
– Added a tip at the end of the prostitution act and it depends on the final attraction points. The maximum you can get is +20 money.
– Added art of the hall in the daytime and at night.
– I hid the display of milking and prostitution levels in the BIO. They will definitely be back in the game in the future, but for now I decided to focus on the truly core skill – hacking.
– Now, during prostitution, time is added during the process, 5 minutes at a time, instead of just 1 hour at the end.
– Speaking of snacking during prostitution, it now lasts 15 minutes. And if the guest refuses to buy snacks, he will still continue to receive orgasm points.
– Slightly improved the milking mini-game. Now it should work more stable. I received many complaints about it, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t get a single glitch… So I improved the only thing that could hypothetically interfere.

Alright, see you in two weeks! I hope my next post will be about v1.0.0, but.. who knows. Have a good day!